Noise… the stuff that gets in the way of a successful audition.

It is so important for all performers to block the noise. Noise is anything that distracts you from doing the very best audition possible.

Becoming a victim to Noise can happen by indulging in pre-show gossip, bullying, self-esteem issues, negative reviews and/or lack of preparation etc.

Every performer is on a magnificent journey to become the best performer they can be. The person before or after you in the audition schedule may be at a different part of their journey and that’s okay.  It’s ok for you, and for them. Don’t listen to their audition. Don’t create noise.

Steps you can take to block the Noise:

  1. Focus on your own preparation. It is the only part of the audition you are in control of. Over prepare and choose repertoire wisely.
  2. Research the show. If you have a great knowledge of all the parts and plot you will be ahead of the crowd.
  3. Take lessons. Ask a professional for help with your singing/acting. This is a great way to build confidence and learn some skills you can practice to shine up your repertoire.
  4. Have fun! Well…ok… we know auditions are sometimes stressful but enjoy the process! It’s a great day when you get to use your talent and share it with others!

It’s possible that your audition-mates may chat about who will surely get which part. This is noise. Don’t indulge. Just say no.

It is true that when teachers choose the school musical they are sure they have certain talent to fill certain parts. (You’d never do Phantom without thinking about who will play your Phantom!) However there may be a performer that comes to auditions and blows everyone away with all the skills they learned over the summer. I call this performer the Wild Card. The Wild Card is the performer that comes in, knocks the audition material out of the park and shocks/surprises the audition panel. How could you possibly pre-cast the show when the Wild Card exists!

Be the Wild Card. Block out the noise. You can do it. You’re welcome.